He who lights a lamp for someone else, brightens his own path as well.



Immaculate Conception Secondary School, Obeti/Oliogo is a Catholic Secondary School under the management of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, and in close collaboration with the Catholic Diocese of Warri.ICGSS is a girls’ secondary school with full boarding facilities. The school is unique for its very conducive learning environment, and devoid of all forms of distraction; it is located in a rural town between Obeti and Oliogo via Umutu, Delta State.We foster a climate of academic ambition. We believe that each child has unique talent and potential and thus our definition of success is for each child to be the best that she can be.We challenge the gifted to reach the highest of the potentials and provide scaffolding for those whose foundations are in need of extra support. By providing a broad range of curricular activities, we strive that the academic, social, physical and vocational development of each student is promoted within a holistic environment.MISSION STATEMENTImmaculate Conception Secondary School, Obeti/Oliogo is concerned with developing the whole person within Christian atmosphere, through provision of balanced activities. We promote the dignity of women and foster growth in self-esteem, respect for others; love and loyalty to our nation and the society at large.PROVISIONAL ADMISSIONProvisional admission is offered yearly, to students who are successful in the Entrance Examination/ Interview.The following are to be taken note of, concerning admissions.1. All fees payable per term are promptly paid into the school bank account.2. A non-refundable Acceptance Fee is paid into the school bank account three weeks after the interview. This fee will be deducted from the school fees.3. An authentic documentary evidence of Medical Fitness from a Catholic Mission Hospital is submitted to the school.4. It is mandatory to buy all recommended Exercise Books, Textbooks and other school kits from the school.CURRICULUMJunior SecondaryJunior Students of ICGSS are offered the opportunity to study fifteen different subjects over the course of the year before selecting the ones they will take for the Junior Certificate Examination. This allows parents and students to make more informed decisions. Students are assigned to classes on mixed ability.Junior Students study the following subjects:1. English Language 9. Agricultural Science2. Mathematics 10. Creative and Cultural Arts3. French 11. Music4. Social Studies 12. Physical and Health Education5. Basic Science 13. Home Economics6. C. R. K. 14. Computer7. Business Studies 15. Local Language8. Basic Technology 16. Civic EducationSubjects choices are informed by aptitude test carried out in September each year. Choice is further informed by the School Guidance Services.Parents/Guardians are also offered advisory seminars organized by the Parents/Teachers Association.Senior SecondarySubject choices in Senior Secondary are informed by the school’s Guidance Counsellor/Career Guidance Services, and further informed by aptitude tests.Senior Secondary Students study the following subjects:A: SCIENCEEnglish languageGeneral MathematicsAgricultural ScienceEconomicsBiologyChemistryPhysicsFurther MathematicsGeographyLocal LanguageEntrepreneurshipB: HUMANITIESEnglish languageGeneral MathematicsBook KeepingC. R. S.GovernmentFrenchLit. in Eng./GeographyEconomicsHome EconomicsBiologyEntrepreneurshipC: BUSINESS STUDIESEnglish languageGeneral MathematicsBook KeepingI. C. T.AccountingCommerceAgricultural ScienceEconomicsGeographyGovernmentBiologyEntrepreneurshipFACILITIESHEALTH CARE AND WELFAREThe good health of our students is our serious concern, as learning can be impaired by ill health. The school has an infirmary where our students receive treatment. This is managed by a group of medical team.THE LIBRARYICGSS can boast of a good library. It is well stocked with relevant books, periodicals, journals, newspaper and magazines for the use of students and teachers, to improve their knowledge of the world around them.SOCIAL SCIENCE/BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENTSocial Science of ICGSS is a unique department in producing future geologists, bankers, social workers, weather forecasters and so on.Our students are exposed to the following subjects: Commerce, Business Studies, Social Studies, Economics, Geography, Insurance, Book Keeping and Accounting.We are proud of our typing pool, computer room, library, good teaching aids and competent, resourceful and seasoned graduate teachers.DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIESDepartment of Humanities exists as one of the departments in ICGSS, Obeti/Oliogo. According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, ‘The Humanities, the branches of learning concerned with ancient Greet and Latin culture, the Arts Subjects in this department are: English Language, Literature, Government, Local Language, French Language, and C. R. S.Immaculate Conception Girls’ Secondary School is not left out in offering all the subjects in the department of Humanities. Students in this department have the privilege of becoming Lawyers, Linguists, Theatre Artists, Journalists, and Fine Artists.Any student with the ambition of becoming any of the above listed professionals need not to entertain fear as long as she are in the citadel of learning in all ramification. With God always by your side, intelligent teachers with you and hard work in you, your dream is a reality.SCIENCE DEPARTMENTScience being the bedrock of engineering has contributed immensely to the world. Immaculate Conception Girls’ Secondary School is blessed and endowed with both human and infrastructural facilities. The department have well equipped Science laboratories, with equipment, chemicals and personnel to assist students carry out various scientific research and experiments.To our reader, our students are well grounded in sciences, and a science student is expected to study the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, and Computer/ICT.Our world-class ICT Resource Centre, developed by Rexous Technologies Limited, is equipped with workstations, furniture, multimedia projector, LAN, internet access, computer based testing platform, printer, and a standby power generator. Students are scheduled for both day and night hands-on practical classes, and are professionally guided in online studies and research.BOARDING FACILITIESOn resumption, our students are assigned to houses. The houses are as follows:1. Immaculate House2. Bishop's House3. St. Francis’ House4. Regina Mundi HousePROSPECTUSBOARDING HOUSE REQUIREMENTS(ALL ITEMS MUST BE BOLDLY AND PROPERLY MARKED)A. STUDENTS ARE TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING ON RESUMPTION DAY1. 4 Sky blue bed sheets and 2 pillow cases2. 6 Inches mattress and pillow3. 1 White treated mosquito net and twine4. 1 Blanket and 2 wrappers5. 1 Bucket with cover and 2 medium bowls for washing6. 1 Dozen of pegs7. 6 Cloth hangers and pant hanger8. 1 Toilet bag and nail cutter9. 4 Brassieres, 12 pure white cotton pants and 2 black tights, 3 petti coats10. 2 Medium size towels11. 1 Battery touch (not rechargeable)12. 2 Sets of pyjamas13. 1 Pair of bathroom slippers14. 1 Pair of white canvas/snickers15. 1 Pair of black closed flat heel shoe16. 1 Pair of black flat heel laced shoe17. 1 Pair of black flat heel leather sandal18. 6 Pure white toilet rolls, Always sanitary pads (if required), bathing soap, detergent, medium size Dettol, body and hair cream19. 1 Strong cutlass, 1 slasher, 1 hoe, 2 brooms, 1 mop stick, 1 mopping bucket, and 1 rake20. 1 Raincoat21. Postal colour, watercolour, painting brush, water glue, starch and lettering pen22. Mathematical Instrument and graph sheets23. 4 Blue biros, 2 pencils, 2 rulers, 2 erasers and sharper (no blades)24. Revised Standard Version Bible25. Provisions - N8,00026. Pocket money - N2,00027. Cupboard - N7,500B. STUDENTS WILL BE PROVIDED THE FOLLOWING ON RESUMPTION DAY1. 2 Sets of school uniform2. 1 set of sports wear3. 1 set of church wear4. 2 house wears5. 1 set of occasional wear6. 1 Cardigan7. 6 Pairs of socks8. 1 Beret9. 1 Hat10. Plate, bowl, cup and cutleries11. School handbook12. Exercise books13. TextbooksEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESAs education is an all-round development of a person, our students are given the opportunity to explore and develop their skills and natural flairs in different sports activities, clubs and societies in the school.CLUBS AND SOCIETIESThe students are encouraged to join whichever club and society they feel they can excel in, showcasing their God given talents and maintain membership for the period of one session. Membership may be changed at the beginning of a session. The termly fee due is N100. The clubs and societies are grouped into three categories:1. Academic clubsa. Press Clubb. Literary and Debating Societyc. Mathematics & Science Club2. Social Clubsa. Cultural and Dramatic Clubb. Choreography Clubc. Young Farmers Club3. Pious/Voluntary Organizationa. Choirb. Holy Childhoodc. Young Catholic Studentsd. Legion of Marye. Man of Order & DisciplineSPORTS AND GAMESSport is any physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules and custom. We are justifiably proud of our sporting tradition here at ICGSS, as well as our widely acknowledged academic standing. We organise sporting activities to improve our students’ psychomotor domain. Psychomotor domain is concerned with manipulative skills and body movement. The development and manipulative skills can be linked to sporting activities. Sports and games bring about good relationship among students, and talents are thus discovered. Our students are encouraged to take part in sports and games activities like scrabble, chest, table tennis, football, volleyball, basketball, athletes' events, badminton and so on. To achieve the listed activities the school has its sports and games every Wednesday and Saturday. Teachers also participate in the sporting events.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS1. PUNCTUALITYi. Students must be PUNCTUAL at all times and they MUST OBEY all routine bells promptly.2. CLEANLINESSi. Students must always be clean, neat and tidy.ii. They must always be smartly dressed, coupled with well combed and groomed hair.iii. All chemical hairs are NOT allowed.iv. Very strict cleanliness must be observed in the dining hall, and around it.v. The grounds, flower beds, the lockers, the places in and around each house must be clean and tidy at all times.vi. Students must NOT cross lawns.vii. It is the responsibility of students to make sure that the school compound and hostels are kept clean and neat.3. DINNING HALLi. Students should eat while seated, with gentle talk as possible.ii. All school meals MUST be consumed by all students.iii. Food should not be taken from dining hall to the dormitories.iv. Students MUST be punctual for their meals and tea breaks.v. It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the students to clean and tidy up the dining hall after supper.4. MEDICALi. Any student too sick to report to the Nurse by herself MUST report to the house mistress who will report the case to the Nurse immediately.ii. Under no circumstance may a boarder stay in bed without reporting to the Health Prefect or Nurse.iii. Any student who must be excused from classes, lessons, games or any of the co-curricular activities must obtain written permission from the School Authority, School Nurse or Games master.5. SCHOOL PROPERTYi. All school furniture MUST be used with care. School furniture must not be removed from the classrooms or anywhere in the compound without permission from the Principal.ii. All boarding facilities MUST be properly and dutifully looked after.iii. Any breakage or damages in dining hall, dormitories, laboratory, classrooms, library, chapel or elsewhere MUST be reported to the boarding house mistress immediately.iv. Damages done to School and Hostel property incurred by a student out of carelessness/mishandling will be the responsibility of the parents/guardians concerned.6. PERSONAL PROPERTYi. Personal properties MUST be clearly marked with admission number.ii. All boxes should be kept in the respective house stores.iii. All personal properties must be neatly kept/arranged in their appropriate places.iv. Any personal property/ies found in an appropriate place will be confiscated.7. UNIFORMSi. Students are to wear low cut.ii. Appropriate uniform MUST be worn on all occasions.iii. No jewellery may be worn in school, except small gold/silver plaited earring.iv. All wrist watches MUST be of Brown or Black leather straps.v. All shoes MUST be flat. High heeled or knocking shoes are NOT allowed.vi. Students MUST go home and return in appropriate uniforms.8. BOUNDSi. Staff rooms are Out of Bounds to all students, except the Class Captain, and this must be for a genuine reasons.ii. Restricted areas MUST be kept as such.iii. Students are NOT allowed into the Science, Home Economics, and Basic Technology laboratories, when there is no teacher or laboratory assistant around.iv. Students are not allowed into any of the laboratories except when they have practical classes there.9. VISITORSi. No receiving of visitors at odd times.ii. Under no circumstance SHALL parents/guardians communicate to their children/ward through any member of the school staff.iii. All communication must be channelled through the school phone numbers.iv. Parents/Guardian on visit must report directly to the Administrative block.10. EXAMINATION MALPRACTICEi. Cheating at examinations/tests is a very serious offence and may merit summary dismissal from the school.ii. A student has the opportunity, due to poor performance, to repeat a class ONLY ONCE. Second failure will result into withdrawal of the student.11. MISCELLANEOUSi. Alcohol or any form of drug abuse is highly prohibited.ii. Except for School's Social period, wearing MUFTI in the school premises is not allowed.iii. There must be NO borrowing or lending of any sort between students.iv. Each student must belong to one academic club, social club and pious societies.v. Students must read the notices on the notice board at least once a day.vi. Girls’ sanitary towels after use should be wrapped and deposited in the sanitary bins. They MUST not be thrown into the flush toilets/used to litter the hostel/school premises.vii. Rudeness to the Rev. Sister, Teacher/other staff is a serious offence that attracts severe disciplinary action.viii. Lying, stealing, fighting, fagging and bullying are HIGHLY PROHIBITED.ix. Permission to be out of school at any time must be obtained from the Principal on request or consent of parent/guardian.x. Snacks are not allowed in the dormitory.xi. No boarder will be permitted to leave school, except for the stipulated dates for break/holiday, and in the case of serious health reason.xii. All forms of immoral behaviour or immoral association will attract maximum punishment.xiii. Games kit or raincoats must not be worn in the dining hall and inside the classrooms.xiv. Radios, cameras, cassette recorders, video games, boiler/kettle and any other electronic gadget must not be brought to school.xv. No student is allowed to make or receive phone calls during the school terms.xvi. No personal social function anywhere or anytime is allowed.xvii. Communication must be in English Language at all times, except when vernacular is being taught in the classroom.xviii. Any Prefect found wanting in discharging her duty/responsibility will be relieved of whatever post held.xix. The school's daily routine MUST be religiously observed by all students.xx. Students caught bringing things from outside for other students will face disciplinary actions, which may even lead to the dismissal of such students.xxi. School Prefects and Class Captains represent the school authority wherever they are, therefore all students are duty bound to obey lawful instructions from the Prefects/Captains.xxii. Students who hang around in classroom corridors when classes are going on shall face disciplinary action.xxiii. Suspension is one of the disciplinary actions that the school authority has a right to give to students who disobey the school rules and regulations.DO THE RIGHT THING, AT THE RIGHT TIME, AND IN THE RIGHT PLACES/N RESERVED AREA TIME1. BOARDING HOUSE DURING MEALS, LESSONS, STUDIES, GAMES, SOCIAL FUNCTIONS, ETC.2. STAFF QUARTERS AT ALL TIMES3. DINING HALL BETWEEN MEAL TIMES4. CLASSROOM BLOCK DURING SIESTA, SOCIALS, GAMES, MEALS, AND AFTER LIGHTS OUT5. GAMES FIELD OUTSIDE OF LEISURE TIME6. KITCHEN AT ALL TIMES, EXCEPT DURING PUNISHMENT7. SICK BAY WHEN NOT SICKPOLICY1. Transactions: all transactions must be from 8.00 AM - 4.00 PM on Mondays to Friday, and during holidays in case of emergency or some necessary transactions.2. Communication: all communications must be through the school lines.3. Finances: all fees must be paid to the designated banks. School fees MUST be paid on or before resumption day, in the child's name. Sufficient amount of pocket money must be given on resumption, and additional amount after mod-term break.4. Ceremonies: students are not allowed to attend any ceremony such as wedding, naming, birthday parties, etc. while school is in session.5. Books: it is compulsory for parents to buy their wards exercise and textbooks from the school bookshop, for uniformity sake.6. Provisions: provisions are not allowed. Lunch and tea break snacks are served daily to augment the students' feeding.7. Visiting day: comes up every last Sunday of the month. Parents/guardians are not allowed to come with food, drinks, snacks, and so on for the students.8. Boundary: no parent/guardian is allowed to enter the hostels, convent, and other restricted areas.9. Relationship: we advocate good human relationship between parents, students, staff and the management but we strongly do not condone any form of embarrassment in or outside the school, on account of school issues. Parents/guardians who involve themselves in such shall have their ward(s) withdrawn from the school.SCHOOL MAJOR EVENTS1. Orientation program for staff and students2. Excursion3. Christmas carols4. Retreat/Recollection5. Open day6. PTA meeting7. Baptism and First Holy Communion8. Cultural/Prize-giving day9. Career day10. Picnic